Metaverse Law Professionals rises from a bunch of legal experts located around Europe, with the objective of creating a community sharing information, insights and documentation on the newest Tech Law topics: web3, blockchain, metaverses, decentralization, digital assets/NFTs, crypto.

Truth is that in 2022 it’s premature to talk of Metaverse Law or Metaverse Lawyers, and that’s why we think it is farsighted to start shortening the usual gap between Law and technology by keeping track and understanding it, as well as by understanding the legal implications of it. We are convinced that the future is just around the corner, we are abide to find ways to adapt ourselves and our “legal mindset” to the new order.

If you want to know more, read our “Manifesto” here: “(Why) do we need lawyers in the Metaverse?” 

If you want to be part of the community, follow us on our social channels, subscribe to our mailing list, or contact us.


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