OutlawForget Web3. EU Commission Presents Strategy to Lead on Web 4.0 and Virtual Worlds.July 13, 2023While Web 2.0 introduced social interaction, user-generated content sharing and collaborative web…Read more
OutlawNew ERC721-C Standard Empowers Creator-Friendly Programmable RoyaltiesJune 1, 2023Blockchain gaming company Limit Break recently introduced the ERC721-C creator token standard, which…Read more
OutlawLedger Recover. What happened.May 25, 2023Last week Ledger, probably the most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallet producer, introduced a…Read more
Outlaw(Why) do we need lawyers in the Metaverse? A "Metaverse Law" manifesto.November 20, 2021Since a few big techs Metaverse development plans have become public it is clear to anyone that we…Read more