OutlawForget Web3. EU Commission Presents Strategy to Lead on Web 4.0 and Virtual Worlds.July 13, 2023While Web 2.0 introduced social interaction, user-generated content sharing and collaborative web…Read more
Intellectual PropertyAuthors Bring a Class Action Against OpenAI for Copyright InfringementJuly 6, 2023Renowned authors Paul Tremblay and Mona Awad have formally filed a class-action lawsuit against…Read more
Intellectual Property"Annoyed" Court rejects Rothschild requests and grants a permanent injunction in Hermes favorJune 29, 2023Following up on the decision made on February 14, 2023, as a result of the jury’s verdict on…Read more
Criminal LawWhat Are Privacy Coins?June 14, 2023Privacy coins or tokens are a specific type of cryptocurrency designed to enhance anonymity and…Read more
OutlawNew ERC721-C Standard Empowers Creator-Friendly Programmable RoyaltiesJune 1, 2023Blockchain gaming company Limit Break recently introduced the ERC721-C creator token standard, which…Read more
OutlawLedger Recover. What happened.May 25, 2023Last week Ledger, probably the most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallet producer, introduced a…Read more
Consumer ProtectionEpic Games v. Apple. A small step on the way for interoperability.May 18, 2023A recent ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit confirmed that Apple…Read more
Intellectual PropertyAI generated images are not the product of human authorship, says US Copyright OfficeMay 4, 2023In less than one month the US Copyright Office has first refused registration for Kristina…Read more
Intellectual PropertyThis is no mere monkey business. Yuga Labs wins against Ryder Ripps.April 28, 2023Another trademark violation case in the NFT space has been decided, this time by the Central…Read more
Consumer ProtectionEU Parliament adopts the Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation (MiCA)April 20, 2023The European Parliament has lived up to the expectations by approving, this morning, the first-ever…Read more